Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mark Savage's Celebrity Photos Featured At Corbis

I’m fortunate that I can syndicate my celebrity event photos and portraits with a photo agency such as Corbis.

This past week, Corbis honored me with a spotlight by featuring some two dozen of my finest images taken over the past 4-5 years. From Corbis:

"Los Angeles based contributing photographer Mark Savage captures celebrities on the red carpet. His coverage spans from awards shows, film premieres and press tours. His technique includes finding celebrities in special moments and always looking their best."

Choosing a handful of photos from my archive of over 10,000 must not have been an easy task. Many thanks to Corbis entertainment editor Jenna Petrie- you are appreciated! 

Singer Mariah Carey arrives in the midst of a sea of fans with cameras at the Virgin Megastore in Hollywood to sign her new CD album "The Emancipation of Mimi" November 15, 2005. © Mark Savage/Corbis